Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania
working for the unity of the church and the wholeness of communities through collegiality, collaboration, and connectedness
300 Cups of Coffee
Can a cup of coffee change your ministry?
Let’s find out!
The building blocks of unity are relationships between Christian leaders. Those relationships are formed two cups of coffee at a time.
To build trust, to make friends, to collaborate, Christian leaders need to get to know one another. This year, Christian Associates’ #300 Cups of Coffee project will help you meet your colleagues, connecting across our differences to make our unity more visible.
To join us, follow these simple steps:
1.) Invite a clergy person whom you don’t know well, or not at all, to meet you for coffee (or tea, or hot cocoa!) at a local shop. Ideally, your guest will be different from you: perhaps from a different denomination, or having a different political or theological orientation, or different in age, race, or gender. Not sure who to invite? You can fill out our matchmaking form!
2.) Enjoy your coffee date. There’s no preset agenda: you can talk about whatever you like. If you'd like a few conversation starters, you can download our Coffee Kit. Make sure to take a selfie of the two of you while you’re at the shop! Your photo will serve as your receipt.
3.) Upload your photograph, and answer a few simple questions about your coffee date, by filling out this form.
4.) Watch your mailbox for a $10 check from Christian Associates to cover your expenses. Then, plan to attend a lunch gathering in September for all the participants in the 300 Cups of Coffee project.
Thank you for joining us in this exciting endeavor!
Questions? Contact the Rev. Liddy Barlow at or 412-688-9070.