Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania
working for the unity of the church and the wholeness of communities through collegiality, collaboration, and connectedness
Christian Associates in the Media

Read more about Christian Associates in these recent media articles
"Rev. Billy Graham's message, Pittsburgh-area visits inspired many of all faiths" by Stephen Huba, Tribune-Review, February 21, 2018
Christian Associates of Southwestern Pennsylvania, an ecumenical group that represents Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, released a statement on its Facebook page, calling Graham “one of the most influential Christians of the past century” and praising his ability to cross boundaries.
"Episcopal bishop calls for uniting a house divided" by By Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, February 3, 2017
Hundreds gathered at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary for a Friday night service aimed at starting to heal those divisions, bringing together a racially diverse mix of local bishops and other leaders of area Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches. “We are mindful that we are a house divided, by race and class and denomination,” said the Rev. Liddy Barlow, executive minister for Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, an ecumenical organization of more than two dozen area denominational groups. “God will not heal a divided world through a divided church.”
"On Newtown anniversary, Pittsburgh advocates demand action against gun violence" by By Andrew Goldstein, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 15, 2016
Representatives from CeaseFire PA, Moms Demand Action for gun Sense in America, the Greater Pittsburgh Coalition Against Violence and other organizations called upon Congress as well as state and local politicians to take a stronger stance against gun violence. Outside the community center, the group of about 40 held candles as the Rev. Liddy Barlow of Christian Associates of Southwestern Pennsylvania gave a sermon lamenting innocent lives taken by guns.
"Bishop delivers ecumenical lecture at Episcopal church" by John Franko, The Pittsburgh Catholic, October 1, 2016
The Rev. Liddy Barlow, executive minister of Christian Associates of Southwestern Pennsylvania, said that bringing together Christian communities can be “a complicated, challenging and difficult” task. She recognized Bishop Zubik for his unifying efforts, adding, “Bishop David Zubik is a leader who believes with his heart and demonstrates with his actions that, as his episcopal motto states, nothing is impossible with God.”
"Community interfaith program tackles tough post-Orlando issues" by Masha Shollar, The Jewish Chronicle, June 30, 2016
The Rev. Liddy Barlow, executive minister of Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, said that though each church approaches the LGBT community differently, 'all of the churches utterly reject hatred and violence.' The goal should be to work to 'end stereotypes, bullying and hatred; to love and love and always to love until no more words are neede, until all that's left is love.'
"New resource packet encourages faith leaders to speak out against gun violence" by Justin Weir, 90.5 WESA Essential Pittsburgh, June 24, 2016
The Health Department worked with Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network and Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania to create a packet that helps clergy address the issue with their congregations. It includes statistics from the health department that can be included in church bulletins and ways to connect the issue to scripture.
"Long-planned sermons on gun violence take on new urgency" by Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 18, 2016
The organization, along with Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact
Network, joined with the health department to produce a packet of resources called ”Preventing Gun
Violence.” They spread the word through various mailing lists and other contacts, and while organizers
aren’t tracking how many people plan to preach on the topic, the materials have been downloaded more
than 200 times, said Rev. Barlow. The packet encourages pastors to use their sermons to inform parishioners about current trends in gun violence, including its especially fierce impact on African Americans and in particular neighborhoods of Pittsburgh and some surrounding communities.
"Interfaith peace efforts are ongoing in Pittsburgh" by Rev. Liddy Barlow and Rabbi Jamie Gibson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 1, 2016
People of faith and good will, intelligent people who have thought carefully, may in the end come to
differing opinions on complex questions. The goal of our conversations is not to find universal agreement.
Indeed, respecting difference is central to interfaith dialogue: We are not trying to convert one another, in
matters of faith or politics. Interfaith dialogue should not result in interfaith monologue. But it can result in
richer understanding, creative collaborative problem-solving and lasting friendship.
"Pittsburgh-area Christian groups call for tolerance in resettling refugees" by Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 23, 2015
In a political climate in which Muslims are being tarred for the extremism of terrorists claiming to act in the
name of Islam, growing numbers of Christian groups in the Pittsburgh area are issuing statements calling
for tolerance across religious lines. “Let us not be tempted by recent calls to turn thousands away from our shores solely on the basis of their religion,” said a statement Monday by Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, a broad coalition of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant leaders.
"Christian group says accepting Syrian refugees should be the 'central obligation of people of faith'" by Deanna Garcia, 90.5 WESA, December 1, 2015
"It's our responsibility as people of faith to respond," CASP Executive Minister Liddy Barlow said.
"Local religious leaders offer sanctuary to Syrian refugees" by Bob Allen, CBS Pittsburgh, November 28, 2015
An organization that represents thousands of congregations in the Pittsburgh area has come out in support of a proposal by Mayor Bill Peduto to bring Syrian refugees to the city. Thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing from their country are a long way from Pittsburgh, but their plight is inspiring to local religious leaders to offer them sanctuary in southwestern Pennsylvania.
"Christian coalition in Pittsburgh urges U.S. to accept more refugees" by Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 26, 2015
Leaders in the region’s largest coalition of Christian churches have called on the United States to increase its
intake of refugees from the war-torn Middle East and for local church members to help in refugee
resettlement. The statement comes from the executive committee of Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, representing an array of regional Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant governing bodies. It also calls for passage of a pending U.S. House bill that would expedite refugee processes for religious minorities,
including Christians, who are targeted by the Islamic State group.
"Bridges of Communication Between Religions in America" by Alhurra-TV, July 9, 2015
Rev. Liddy Barlow offered a prayer at the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh's annual Humanity Day, an event celebrating individuals who work to promote harmony and dialogue in our region. The event was filmed by Alhurra TV, a satellite network produced in the US and broadcast in the Middle East. Though the narration is in Arabic, you can see Pastor Liddy praying at 1:10.
“Interfaith Service Stands Strong in Solidarity with Charleston” by Masha Stoller, The Jewish Chronicle, July 3, 2015
The Pittsburgh Theological Seminary hosted an interfaith memorial service on June 23 for the Charleston shooting victims, or “The Charleston Nine” as they have come to be known ... Rev. Liddy Barlow, the executive minister of Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, who helped organize the service and wrote the liturgy, said that she felt “relief that I wasn’t alone in the feelings I was feeling — that there was this whole roomful of people who were willing to commit to do more and to do it together.”
“Christian Associates Spreads Word of Father’s Day Pledge Against Gender Violence” by Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, page 1, Sunday June 21, 2015.
Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, a coalition of Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox denominations, has distributed 300 copies of a 12-page document containing everything from a fact sheet on gender violence and emergency phone numbers to ideas for prayers, sermons and Scripture readings on the topic. The group also made the materials available online. The document, “Peace, Be Still!”, is based on a Gospel passage in which Jesus calmed a raging storm.
"Local AME Church Leaders Come Together to Pray for Victims of Charleston Shooting" by Ralph Iannotti, KDKA-TV, June 18, 2015
At the prayer circle at Bethel AME in Pittsburgh’s Hill District, the bond between the churches was clear ...“When a tragedy like this affects one of our churches, all of us grieve together. It’s important for all Christians to recognize how this tragedy affects every person of faith,” said Rev. Liddy Barlow, of the Christian Association [sic] of Southwest Pa. “Our churches need to be sanctuaries from violence.”
"With Father's Day Pledge, Initiative Encourages Taking a Stand Against Domestic Violence" by Emma Gross, WESA-FM, June 12, 2015
The Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania has recently teamed up with Southwest PA Says No More to create a booklet for clergy to help them incorporate discussions on gender violence into their Father’s Day worship. The booklet includes prayers, sermon starters and contacts for outside resources on domestic violence. Christian Associates gathered local religious leaders of different Christian traditions to figure out the best way to approach discussion on gender violence in their respective denominations.
"Clergy's Trip to Israel Brings Renewed Focus on Hope" by Toby Tabachnik, The Jewish Chronicle, May 20, 2015
The Rev. Liddy Barlow had never before visited Israel, but what she witnessed and learned while traveling the land with Rabbi Jamie Gibson — and a cohort of 13 other interfaith pairs from across the country — has changed her perspective of the Middle East ... Barlow and Gibson, spiritual leader of Temple Sinai, and the other pairs of clergy were in Israel from April 28 to May 5 on a trip sponsored by Interfaith Partners for Peace, a community of Jewish and non-Jewish faith leaders committed to a two-state solution and to helping their respective congregations learn about Israel, its history and its people.
"Christian Associates of Southwest PA Pushes Better Race Relations" by Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 25, 2015
A coalition of Christian leaders is pledging new efforts at racial dialogue and reconciliation in the wake of highly charged racial incidents nationwide over the past year. Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania issued the statement today in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the conclusion of the epic Selma-to-Montgomery, Ala., civil rights march.
"In Good Faith: Local Churches Tackle the Tough Topic of Racism" by the Editorial Board, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 28, 2015
Maybe churches can do what Starbucks couldn’t: spark a genuine and voluntary dialogue that leads to reconciliation across racial lines. Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, a coalition of denominations representing a range of Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox worship traditions, has committed itself to changing the hearts, minds and complexion of the congregations it represents. This is no small task in a region that has been described as one of the least diverse in the country.
"Interfaith Group Gathers in Silence for Peace" by Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 7, 2014
About 45 people gathered for the interfaith vigil, which deliberately avoided partisan remarks or sectarian prayers. The Rev. Liddy Barlow, executive minister of Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, opened the gathering with brief remarks before ringing a bell to mark the beginning of a 15-minute vigil. “We pray that our silence will help to silence all voices of hatred and violence,” she said. The event was cosponsored by Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh Area Jewish Committee, the Pittsburgh chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh.
"Christian Associates of Southwest PA Elects New Director: Female Pastor Preaches Unity" by Peter Smith, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 9, 2014
Rev. Barlow, as a young mother, graduate of the all-women Mount Holyoke College and ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, brings a background that contrasts with that of most of the people she'll be working for, including bishops in denominations that don't ordain women. But she also brings an enthusiasm to the role, an experience in ministry and a stomach for the tedious board meetings that do the painstaking work of building ties across denominational lines. "Being able to call out what the Spirit is doing in the middle of that, that's exciting," she said.