Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania
working for the unity of the church and the wholeness of communities through collegiality, collaboration, and connectedness
The Word in Our Voices:
Sermon Collections
The Word in Our Voices is Christian Associates' series of sermon collections by preachers in Southwest Pennsylvania.
Our second volume, Blessed Art Thou Among Women: Southwest Pennsylvania Preaches on Mary, Mother of Jesus, is also available. To download the book in PDF format without charge, fill out the form below. Please contact us if you encounter any technical difficulties.
You may also order a printed copy (at a cost of $12 plus $3 shipping and handling) by emailing us or calling 412-688-9070. We'd also be happy to discuss bulk ordering for book clubs or educational classes.
The first volume in the series, I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me: Southwest Pennsylvania Preaches on Refugees and Immigration, is also available for free download by completing the form below. Printed copies may be purchased for $10 each plus $3 shipping and handling by emailing us or calling 412-688-9070.
The Word in Our Voices:
Sermon Collections from Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania
September 2017: I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me: Southwest Pennsylvania Preaches on Refugees and Immigration
April 2018: Blessed Art Thou Among Women: Southwest Pennsylvania Preaches on Mary, Mother of Jesus
September 2020: All One in Christ Jesus: Southwest Pennsylvania Celebrates Christian Unity
Spring 2021 (planned): Who Is My Neighbor? Southwest Pennsylvania Preaches on Race in America
Spring 2022 (planned): Born of Water and the Spirit: Southwest Pennsylvania Preaches on Baptism