Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania
working for the unity of the church and the wholeness of communities through collegiality, collaboration, and connectedness
We Have to Talk
We Have to Talk is a network of interfaith spiritual leaders from across Southwest Pennsylvania: over 500 clergy and lay people who gather to build relationship across our diverse traditions through conversation and action.
Our network's core principles are named in our statement of purpose, Living Faithfully With One Another.
We Have to Talk offers both large thematic gatherings and small, informal "Spiritual Leader Spaces" throughout the year. The key organizing partners are Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania and the Center for Loving Kindness at the JCC of Greater Pittsburgh.
Our network began in the days immediately following the mass shooting at Tree of Life synagogue on October 27, 2018. Should we cancel a planned interfaith gathering the following week? we wondered. No, we agreed. Because: we have to talk.
To receive occasional emails about We Have to Talk, sign up here.
Photo by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
We Have to Talk ...
Faith on Campus
Thursday, June 20, 2024
10 AM - 11:30 AM
Room 310
Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh
5738 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
In the wake of demonstrations at universities across the United States, how are campus spiritual leaders navigating the challenging work of building interfaith understanding? How do events on campus resonate with people of faith across the community? On June 20, we will hear from local college and university spiritual leaders about the realities and the hopes for a better future -- and as always, we'll have opportunities for dialogue and conversation.
Our speakers include:
Dr. Kunal Bhanot, Associate Professor of Physical Therapy at Carlow University
Siobhan DeWitt, recently retired as Director of Campus Ministry at Carlow University
Daniel Marcus, Executive Director and CEO of the Edward and Rose Berman Hillel Jewish University Center of Pittsburgh
the Rev. Jennifer Peters McCurry, Coordinator of Religious and Spiritual Life at Carnegie Mellon University
Yousef Tamimi, doctoral candidate at Carlow University
This morning is also an opportunity to meet Rabbi Hindy Finman, incoming Director of the Center for Loving Kindness, and to wish Rabbi Ron Symons well in his next chapter.
Admission is free, and registration (via the form below) is much appreciated but not required. Plan to enter the JCC via the parking garage on Forbes Ave, and allow time to check in with security at the door if you are not a JCC member.
This event is intended primarily for spiritual leaders: clergy and religious and those holding lay leadership roles in houses of worship and faith institutions across Southwest Pennsylvania.